Saturday, July 12, 2008


Yep, I've been slackin' for a couple days on this whole blog thing. Rest assured, I've been plenty productive in other areas such as: laying around, reading books, and just plain enjoying the ride. Today is our last day in Steamboat Springs under the generous hospitality of the Daly family (thanks!). Watching our kids play together makes me regret somewhat that I was never this close with my cousins, but at the same time I feel blessed to be able to witness how much they love each other.

How is Steamboat? Well, if you've never been, COME. Me and the other black guy in town both agree, its the SPOT.

This afternoon its on to Salt Lake City, and then tomorrow, Reno, NV. My brother-in-law Darin is unwavering in his attempts to get us to stay there and never come home. So, if you never hear from us again, that's why.

2 days 'till I meet my mom. Wow. This morning while I was watching my kids check out hot air balloons, I started to wonder what it would be like to have to walk away from them for 31 years. I really can't imagine. I talked with my sister Traneka last night, and it just seems more and more real. I haven't talked to her in 2 years, but somehow, it was just like talking to family... which I guess I was.

Despite all the fun current events, and the looming ones, I still feel I'm searching for something. I need for my life to make sense in more ways that it does now. Can that even happen? This one guy once told me that when doors open, I just need to run through them. I'm probably just lookin for some doors then...

Here's a few pics to check out. If you're on facebook, I posted a bunch more from the last couple days. Thanks to the future Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson for the camera. That thing just doesn't take a bad picture. Thanks to my other favorite sister for the Tom Tom. We're here, so I guess it's working.

peace y'all...

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