Monday, July 21, 2008


So, I'm pretty sure I left my heart at Lake Tahoe.

This is the view from one of the overlooks as you drive down to the lake. It may be the most incredible natural site I've ever seen. Everything is pristine, and I can't begin to describe the exact shade of clear blue the water is. I almost felt bad swimming in it. As part of our week long Reno stop, we spent a day at the lake just checking out the scene. If I had a couple million to sink into real estate right now, this would be the spot.

So we spent the afternoon buzzing around the lake at high speed, and found a nice quiet little spot to catch a little sun and some crawfish.

All thanks to my bro-in-law, Darin.

As a side note, this guy is an inspiration to me as someone who is starting to see the karma come back around. Without all the details, his life was coming apart at the seams a few months ago, but just this week everything started to change all at once. He's got a lovely new lady-friend as you can see, and was just handed keys to an entire 47 acre mountain (and house), and a crazy low price. I hadn't really gotten to know him much until this week, but I quickly learned he's one of the most genuine, generous people around, who just can help but give you the shirt off his back. If you ever wonder if that kind of living pays off, I'll give you his number.

If that's not enough, I'm pretty sure Jack would like to be adopted by his super-cool uncle. I mean, he's got a super huge boat, and super cool 4-wheelers, and an entire mountain to explore. I guess I can't blame the kid...

Today, we spent the afternoon checking out Yellowstone. My only regret here is that we didn't have more time. Check out my sweet mountain climbing skills ----->

I'm a whole 12 feet off the ground...

Here's my travel tip: IMHO, the fountain geyser is a much better investment of time than the whole old faithful thing. It seems you can get much closer and get a better experience. Granted Old Faithful is a national landmark, blah blah blah... But trust me on this one. Unless you're the type that loves parking in a gigantic parking lot a mile a way, and fighting your way through 8,000 tourists who got there before you did. Yeah... take my word on this one.

By the way, apparently geysers stink. Take Jaelon's word on that one...

I'm writing this from "suite" 133 at the luxurious Antler Inn, in Cody, Wy. Out my window is a lovely view of a rapidly deteriorating asphalt lot, and about 73 rusty pickup trucks. Yay.

Yeah, I said "Antler Inn". Sounds shady. It looks shady too, and I think they ripped me on the price. Triple A rate my butt... Anyway, its surprisingly clean, and nice considering. Especially when it's 10:30 Pm and you're in a car with 2 whining kids, a pregnant lady, and its the only open room in town. Trust me, we only stopped at 40 places. Ok 3, but still... I was tired.

As I sit here, I can't help but keep thinking about Nell. I was only able to spend a short while with her, but I really miss her for some reason. Maybe its that little part of my spirit that finally found its final connection. Maybe because I wanted our meeting to be a little more dramatic. Maybe I didn't get all my questions answered in the time we had. Or... maybe you're just supposed to miss people when they leave.

Nell doesn't really return calls, but I'm going to leave her a message I think. Just to say hi or something. Maybe she listens to them... maybe not. Its almost like "Birthmom" became a real person for a second and then she's disappeared into the mist again. I feel like I'm craning my neck to catch another glimpse. I hope she knows what a big part of my life she's been.

Guess I maybe shoulda told her that...

Like I said, I was pretty sure I left my heart at Lake Tahoe...

I may have to go back and get it. Yellowstone was pretty all right...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BJ!!!!!!!!!!! Miss you bro...........get your butt home so we can do a little EB hang!!!!!!!