Thursday, July 10, 2008

So Much 2 C

So... Anyone ever feel like you're looking for something, but maybe you're checking out the wrong place? This picture is somewhat symbolic of we feel about our lives right now, and it's a little bit funny. It was even funnier once Leah told them a giant snake probably lived in that hole. Dad was too slow on the camera to catch that reaction...

Wednesday was a long day of driving through South Dakota and Wyoming, and the crew is still going strong. By the way, if you've ever wondered why land is so cheap in Wyoming, I think I know why. I'm guessing you'll need the money you saved to build yourself an army of robots to keep you company. Beautiful country, there's NOTHING here.

I'm writing this from a hotel in Cheyenne, after a much needed night of sleep and a hot shower. Unfortunately, I receive several travel demerits for picking the hotel 1 block from the busiest rail line in America. Johnny Mercer had it right - Ahooey ahoohey and a clickety clack will most definitely give you the blues in the night... All night.

Did the Mt. Rushmore thing yesterday - had to sell the luggage for a parking pass. The "priviledge" to view our National Parks and Monuments which I believed we've already supported via tax revenue, is pretty expensive. So far the sightseeing bill has exceeded the food bill. Something is wrong with that. Despite that, it was a great experience, and Jack dubbed it as "sweet" which is all you need to know. It's great to see a place celebrating our country where so many different people can come together and rudely jump into others' family pictures at the last minute.

Anybody know that guy?? Apparently he's decided to become part of the family. If you draw his name for the holidays, he looks about a 2xl...

This struck me as funny at this particular monument as I was considering that this place celebrates 4 presidents heralded as designing and improving our great nation. The thought I was pondering, was that our nation's progress has so much come at the expense of others such as displaced Native Americans, enslaved Africans, or overworked and underpaid immigrants. This dude sitting next to my kids was so desperate to save himself a choice wall spot, he completely ignored the family picture he jumped into. Progress has it's costs, I guess...

Well, its back on the road. If anybody knows where to find what I'm looking for, I'd appreciate the help. I assure you, it's not in a hole in South Dakota.

Check out this Wyoming sunset from the photographic perspective of a 7 year-old. Who says kids can't appreciate beauty....

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1 comment:

keith nystrom said...

So you think you are Prince or something?