Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Team U.S.A (Get To Know 'Em)

This is utterly breathtaking:

Thank you, Henry C. "Hank" Johnson Jr., Esteemed Democratic Congressman from Georgia's 4th district.
Since this is maybe 10 days old or so, I know I'm not going to win any "breaking news" or "inside scoop" blogger points, but there is no way I could pass this one up.  Originally I had intended to go with the standard "Check out yet another black man in the public eye totally ruining it for the rest of us rant", but I wanted to give this guy a chance.  So in keeping with the Fairness In Blogging Act (FIBA - It's fictional) I decided to do some in-depth investigative research a Google search.

My hard work brought me here to Rep. Johnson's official Congressional Website, were I found this gem from a press release attempting to explain the above video: 

"The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island."

If by "subtle humor" he meant "utter idiocy" then I concur. Strike One.

I decided to check further into his congressional record, thinking the Rep. Johnson may not be the most skilled orator, but perhaps his liberal ideology has spurred him to author some prestigious legislation.  His website calls him "A hard-working legislator who delivers results.", so let's see whatchu workin' wit' Hank.  It seems that in the span of his near 2 full terms, he's proposed 18 bills and/or resolutions.  The only bill recorded as passed into public law was:

"H.R.1626 : To make technical amendments to laws containing time periods affecting judicial proceedings."

What the what?  Public-policy-for-the-people FAIL.  Strike Two.

So remember when South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson shouted out "You lie!" during Obama's speech to a joint session of congress?  Yeah, it was stupid, and Wilson received a formal rebuke from the House for his impudence.  But, more to the point, check out our buddy Hank's response to this issue:

This is our government? I don't care that he's a Democrat, as I typically reject the assumptions that come along with any such labels. I care that he is obviously unashamed of his ignorance, and not even wise enough to just shut his mouth. There is no cure for willful stupidity

Grab some pine Hank. This team don't need ya.

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