Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Think I'm Doing This Wrong: Reason #6,505,482 Why My Wife Is Awesome

I've made about 28 resolutions to improve on my blogging regularity.  So far, all of said resolutions have been impressively successful simply because I never clearly stated what "improvement" meant, and for how long this "improvement" was going to last.

Nonetheless, I'm still falling short of my personal goal to write more frequently on topics of personal significance.  This time though, I have an excuse.

With the economic roller coaster hitting home pretty hard these days, the MinuteCynic family has had to readjust a few things.  Sure, the lifestyle is forced to change some, so our usual family whirlwind vacations trips to the park have had to be replaced with fantastic getaway weekends trips to the park.  Luckily, the MC fam is a pretty mature bunch, and has adapted pretty well.

I realized during my last bout of unemployment, that the concept of having a "career path" with a stable company may not be as clear of an option as I once thought, or even in my best interest.  Learning to recognize unique opportunities, take odd jobs, and leverage myself as a reasonably educated guy with a well-stocked bag of skills has been my daily objective.  It's really helped me learn to leverage my knowledge, experience, and creative ideas for phatt dollaz a paycheck.

The latest twist in our ever-developing saga is that Mrs. Cynic has gone back to work temporarily (because an opportunity came along which fit her skill set) leaving the Man of The House to be the person in charge who has to make all the decisions and do all the work  Mom.

So, I was pretty unprepared for the role reversal...

How unprepared were you?

So unprepared that after a mere 2 days of trying to clean up after the MinuteCynic horde, feed the baby, wash a load or 2 of clothes, and make a couple dinners, I was exhausted yet fairly arrogant about my performance - until I realized I hadn't showered, eaten, read an email, returned a phone call, or really done anything at all.  I'd only had to call my wife 4 times a day to ask her how I'm supposed to complete a simple task like calling my kid in absent to school.  It really hit home when my daughter actually said "Um... Dad, that's not really how Mom does it" as she informed me that my 1-year-old threw an empty cup at me because he wants more milk...

Ha haaaa... you suck.

The final straw (hopefully) was tonight when I stood, holding a damp dish towel, scolding my wife about not helping me while she zoned out behind her laptop screen.  It wasn't until she started smirking at me that I realized what an ass I am. (In my defense, when I zone out and don't help around the house, I have the common decency and tact to slink off to some remote corner of the house).

Sweet Beans, I'm sorry.  You're amazing.  Let's trade jobs again though....

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