Monday, September 13, 2010

Penny Rant

The interwebs coughed up this gem for me today.  It's author John Green discussing reasons to eliminate the penny from circulation with great humor and intelligence.

FYI - John Green is one half of the creative force behind the Nerdfighters video blog, where he, along with his brother Hank, exchanges regular video commentaries that most often pretty funny and insightful (for nerds).  They started this exchange as a way to communicate long distance without texting or emails.  It's a great idea to try resist the temptation to resort to "lazy" communications such as texts, emails, and Facebook in favor of more engaging and well thought out pseudo "face-to-face" video monologues. My dad has strongly encouraged me to work hard at regular (daily or weekly) intentional communication like this to better stir up the exchange of intelligent ideas, as you see here.

Anyway, John Green hates pennies. Check it out.

HT: Freakonomics Blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Hank, that reminded me of the "Fast Draw" segment on CBS's "Sunday Morning". I think my favorite part was where he refers to pennies as "worthless discs of suck". Amazing.