Friday, May 7, 2010


It's been a busy day y'all.  One of those unexpected busy days where you thought there were only a couple things on the list, but then they end up taking quadruple the time with half the results.  But, it's all with good purpose - tryin' to drum up some work, and wrap up some house projects now that it looks like the MC fam may be taking in a new tenant.  I am bushed though...
So, I sit down to hit the interwebs and find some interesting nuggets for personal inspiration and blogging material.  Usually, I'm hoping for some obscure news story or some really cool music news from my stash of sites to impress my MB's (Music Buddies).  Tonight though, for whatever reason, I hit  This story is what I saw first, and let me say, what a shame.
Those of you in my age bracket will know that tossing the pigskin as a kid, if you wanted make the big plays, you tried to be Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, or Barry Sanders.  But, if you wanted simply be the baddest mama-jama on the field, it was LT all the way.  A little piece of my 8 year-old self died today.
THEN, front and center is this piece on "transracial" adoption addressing all the hubbub surrounding Sandra Bullock's recent adoption of a black baby.  It's not too often that the MinuteCynic stumbles on a topic on which he is a true expert, but today is the day.  As a black man raised by a white family, let me summon all my experience and wisdom on this subject and weigh in on the blogospheric turmoil:


No, seriously.  Everybody take a deep breath, take 2 steps back and just.... chill.
Yes you, Ms. "she's-just-doing-this-as-a-publicity-stunt", shhhhhh.  And you, Dr. "If-more-black-folks-stepped-up-for-adoptions-she-wouldn't-hafta-do-it", simmer down. And especially you, Ms. Rita Simon:
"But love is not enough," said Simon, a professor of justice and public policy at American University in Washington. "You really have to make some changes in your life if you adopt a child of another race."
Shut up. Please.

Closed circuit to black folks: If you want to really address an issue of black babies and how they may or may not be treated in America, save your venom for this guy:

NFL Running back Travis Henry.  Vital Stats: 
11 babies, 
10 different  women, 
6 different states, 
2007 NFL Contract: $25 million
2007 Automobile expense: $100,000
2007 Jewelry expense $146,000
Current child support owed: $170,000 per YEAR
0 Child Support Dollars paid

Do your thing Ms. Bullock.  You'll be a great mom.  Even if you're not the best at it, you do your best, and Louis will someday be honored that somebody cared enough to call him "Son".  Gwon 'head, kiss that chubby baby....


Unknown said...

more blogging. less complaining.

MinuteCynic said...

Hmmm... While I freely admit I've been blessed with the spiritual gift of complaining, I felt pretty confident I was doing the exact opposite here. Bummer. In hindsight, perhaps I didn't approach this correctly and this wasn't the right forum. Nevertheless, I appreciate that you read these...